Industrial Hearing

Industrial Hearing Conservation Partnership: Cyprus Audiology Center & Said Muhyi

Implemented with support from UNDP, the Economic Interdependence Project


Hearing conservation programs are mandated by European (Directive 2003/10/EC of the European Parliament) and Cyprus (ΚΔΠ 230 2002) law. The existing efforts to hearing conservation are sporadic and do not provide systematic record-keeping and data for long-term sustainability of these programs. “Industrial Hearing Conservation” provides testing, counceling to workers and support to companies in order to prevent occupational hearing loss where possible, and train for best practices. The following information describes the bases, justification, and guidelines for successful hearing conservation programs.

The partnership “Industrial Hearing Conservation” was co-funded by UNDP, the Economic Interdependence Project

Audiology Center

Cyprus Audiology Center is directed by Dr. Chryssoula Thodi. Cyprus Audiology Center main activities include detection, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of hearing and balance disorders. Industrial Audiology and Hearing Conservation have been recently added to our activity portfolio, upon award of a United Nations Development Project.


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